Health Checkup Camp for Kids
The mechanism known as innate or natural immunization is passed down from parents to offspring in the mother’s womb itself and varies from species to species. The human body has an inbuilt defence system to counter many health related issues and problems, while some other diseases are countered by giving vaccinations to the children after their birth.
Vaccination Chart for Newborn Baby:
- Hepatitis B
- Varicella
- OPV vaccine
- DPT vaccine
- Hepatitis A
- Typhoid
Vaccination Schedule 2017
Vaccinations to be given at birth (Newborn)
- OPV 0
- Hepatitis-B 1
These are some vaccines which have to be given right after the birth of the baby, before it gets discharged from the hospital.
Vaccines for 6 weeks baby (1.5 Month Old)
- IPV 1
- Hepatitis-B 2
- DTP 1
- Rotavirus 1
- Influenza type B (Hib 1)
- PCV 1
Your little one now, has to receive another dose Hepatitis B at the age of 6 weeks. At this age, the baby will also be given the first dose of DTP to prevent against tetanus, pertussis and diphtheria.
The last mentioned vaccines are not compulsory, but you should give it to the baby.
Vaccinations for 10 weeks baby (2.5 Month Old)
- DTP 2
- IPV 2
- Influenza type B (Hib 2)
- Rotavirus 2
- PCV 2
At 10 weeks, the child will get another dose of DTP as well as oral polio vaccine (OPV). The baby will also get the second dose of haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine, rotavirus vaccine, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and IPV (inactivated polio vaccine).
Vaccines at 14 weeks (3.5 Month Old)
- DTP 3
- IPV 3
- Hib 3
- Rotavirus 3
- PCV 3
Now, take the baby to the clinic for the third dose of DTP vaccine, Haemophilus vaccine, conjugate pneumococcal vaccine, hepatitis B, another dose of oral polio vaccine and IPV.
Vaccinations for 6 Months Old
- OPV 1
- Hep-B 3
Vaccines for 9 months old baby
- OPV 2
- MMR 1
Vaccines for 9-12 months old baby
Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine
Currently, two typhoid conjugate vaccines, Typbar-TCV and PedaTyph available in Indian market; either can be used.
- Vaccinations for one year old baby (12 Month Old)
- Hep-A 1
- Vaccines for baby at 1.3 years (15 Month Old)
- Varicella
- PCV Booster
You have to provide the baby with the varicella vaccine at this age. The vaccine is given to protect against chickenpox.
Vaccination for 1.4 years old (16-18 Month Old)
- DTP B1
- IPV B1
- Hib B1
- Vaccination for 1.6 year old baby (18 Months Old)
- Hep-A 2
After one year and six months of the birth, another dose of hepatitis A is to be given to the baby.
Vaccination for 2 year old baby (24 Months Old)
Booster of Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine
A booster dose of Typhoid conjugate vaccine (TCV), if primary dose is given at 9-12 months.
Vaccines for 4-6 years old baby
- DTP B2
- OPV 3
- Varicella 2
- MMR 3
Second dose of Varicella(Chickenpox) can be given at anytime 3 months after the first dose. Thrid dose of MMR is recommended for a 4-6 year old child.
Vaccination for 10-12 years old child
- Tdap/Td
Last and the fine dose for Tdap and first dose of HPV is given to the baby. Second dose of HPV is to be provided to the baby at 11 years. And, here your baby’s immunization gets completed
Optional vaccines
- HiB (haemophilus influenzae type B)
- PCV (Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine)
- IPV (Inactivated Polio Vaccine)
Apart from these there are some painless vaccinations also. Painless vaccinations are the recent inventions in the field of immunology. Here are top 6 things that you must be aware of about the painless vaccinations
What is painless vaccination?
Painless vaccination are one of the recent inventions in the field of immunology. Until now, painless vaccines have only been developed for whooping cough (pertussis) and have been marketed successfully in India as a combination vaccine by the name DaPT (Diphtheria, Acellular pertussis, Tetanus)
They are acellular vaccines that contain fewer number of antigens (constituents of a vaccine that stimulate an immune response in the body) than present in a whole-shot vaccine.
The route of administration of a painless vaccine is needle-based and it is given using an injection itself.
Why are they called painless vaccines?
Due to the absence of these few antigens, painless vaccines produce little or no side effects like fever or local pain and swelling at the injection site. As a result, they lower the pain that your infant might experience otherwise.
Is painless vaccination effective?
There is a popular belief that the effect of painless vaccines subsides too soon and they might not be as effective as the conventional ones.
However , The only vaccine that is subjected to this confusion is DPT versus DaPT.
Painless vaccination for infants side effects
Advantages of Painless Vaccination
Painless vaccines are popular because they come with very little side effects.
he main advantage of painless vaccination is that when compared to painful vaccines they don’t cause high fever , irritability and discomfort to the child.
TThere is no or very less swelling and redness. The child is in less pain.
TPainless vaccines keep the child in a more comfortable state.
TIs painless vaccination safe for infants
Painless vaccines promise less side effects compared to the painful ones. Instead of the mandatory high grade fever, swelling , redness and vomiting experienced after the painful vaccine, your baby might only experience a mild fever after the painless one.
Side effects like Fever, swelling and redness are controllable in both situations making painless vaccine a considerable choice.
Painless vaccination for infants side effects
- A painless vaccine preparation lacks a few immunity-stimulating components because of which it is less immunogenic in nature.
- The dosage of painless vaccines that has to be given to your little one is less than the amount of painful vaccines injected. This means that in order to produce the same effect, your child will require to be injected with more shots of a painless vaccine as compared to the painful one.
- They have a faster period of waning, which means that their effect doesn’t stay for very long in the body whereas in the case of painful vaccines, antibody production is more and hence, protection is better and superior.
- Painless vaccines are not painless in literal sense. When given they will be equally painful.
- Painless vaccines are costlier than painful ones; almost double their price. Though not a side-effect this fact may put you into reconsidering the use of painless vaccines for your little one.
- Painless vs painful vaccination for infants (which one is better and how to choose)
Painful vaccines are more pocket friendly as compared to the painless ones. Painless vaccines might cause less pain but they don’t guarantee no pain at all.
DPT the (painful) combination vaccine is available in the market as Easy-five or Pentavac.
DTP stands for:
- Diphtheria
- Tetanus
- Pertussis
While DTaP the (painless) combination vaccine is called as Pentaxim.
DTaP stands for :
Acellular Pertussis
Both Pentaxim and Pentavac give protection against the 5 diseases.
Pentavac, Easy-five covers:
- Diphtheria
- Pertussis (cellular component)
- Tetanus
- Haemophilus Influenzae type B
- Hepatitis B
- Pentaxim covers:
- Diphtheria
- Pertussis (Acellular Component)
- Tetanus
- Haemophilus influenzae type B
- IPV (Injectable Polio Vaccine)
Indian Academy of Pediatrics recommends DTP vaccine strongly for the primary series of vaccinations. According to their website DTaP vaccine/combinations should preferably be avoided for the primary series. DTaP vaccine/combinations should be preferred in certain specific circumstances/conditions only.
Important Vaccinations available in India with costs
The Indian Government has provided the list of certain vaccines to be mandatorily given to children. These vital vaccines are available at a very low price in government hospitals.
Given below are the vaccinations and their importance with the cost.